About Steve Spiritboy
I’ve been working and connecting in spiritual circles for many years and have been called to my passion for counselling, guiding, healing, and helping others.
Over the last few years, I’ve been developing my mediumship side to help bring love and healing from the other side.
As a master number 38/11/2, my Life Path in numerology, my physical journey in the past wasn’t easy. Throughout my lifetime I have had many ups and downs and I know what it is like to experience pain, loss and suffering. No one has ever handed me a silver spoon and I have had to work to achieve my goals. This is definitely what my soul or higher self asked for in this life.
Often our most painful lessons are the ones that help us grow the most in life.
Here is my story.
Early Years
Coming from a poor struggling background in a large city, I always felt out of place, confused and older than my years. I was shy, lonely and lacked attention.
My Father was an abusive violent alcoholic who was hardly home except on weekends. When he was home he mostly was drunk, yelling, screaming and playing his jazz music loudly into the early hours. My sister, brother, mother and myself would dread hearing the car revving up the driveway to a sudden stop in the garage, because we knew the war was about to start. Dad would drink most of his wages and always came home late on the weekends, drunk, yelling and angry.
My Mother, coming from a quiet farming community, put up with a lot from Dad and she was forced to work in a hard physical jobs, such as farms, trying to pay the bills for the family. My sister, brother and myself mostly looked after ourselves after school and grew up as independent children. We had to, as Mum was working long hours to keep us all fed. I remember early days when we were young, Mum feeding us bread cooked in fried dripping or fat. This was because that is what she had growing up during and after the depression and there wasn’t much else. Often there was little to no money so we bought chips from the local fish shop to feed the whole family. Mum tried her best to cover the essentials but I feel she couldn’t give us the love and affection we needed and wanted growing up because she herself was abused by my father.
My Father, Who Lived A Hard Life.
My Father Roy lost his mum at 9 months old and his father to mouth cancer when he was 6 years old. He was then placed into an orphanage where during the depression he grew up unloved and in a harsh world pre World War 2. He was separated from his two siblings around that time. His loving sister was placed with a family relative who sexually abused her and Dad’s older brother Lloyd was sent overseas as a trainee fighter pilot during World War 2.
My father never experienced the love and nurturing of a stable family upbringing. When he was released from the orphanage he joined the merchant marine and started drinking and smoking and moving around constantly, never developing close relationships because of the emotional wounds he suffered growing up. Dad was usually angry and aggressive when he was drinking yet quiet as a church mouse in the morning when he sobered up. Essentially, he was two different people inside the same body.
My Beautiful Sister Vicki, Who Died Young.
When I was a teenager, we lost my sister when she was only 15. She was accidentally hit by a car crossing the road to get bread and milk for the family. She took a week to slowly die in hospital with head and body trauma. That one event changed everything in our lives and the family was never the same after that. Soon after, Dad was evicted with a domestic violence order against him and admitted himself to a mental hospital and I didn’t see him again until I was in my early 20s.
Mum, deep in mourning, withdrew from society even more than before. Everyone within the family became distant from each other. My only blessing throughout childhood was that I was guided to play AFL footy at the early age of 10. This enabled me to socialise and connect with other kids outside school to keep my sanity and grounding, so to speak.
A Fresh Start In Cairns, North Queensland.
After I left school and worked for a year or two, I moved nearly 1,700 km away to tropical Cairns in North Queensland and slowly started to get my life in order.
Life in the tropics was fun, laid back and social with great weather. I continued to play footy but continued bad habits I saw and learnt from childhood. I did a lot of drinking and later on, when my lovely wife left, I gambled because I was lonely and devastated. I carried these addictive habits into my other relationships, which for some strange reason never seemed to work out.
All through my life I have always seemed to take on responsibility that far outweighed my age and experience. When I first moved to Cairns, I was a stepdad and responsible for 12 and 13-year-old girls with the lady I was living with at the time. I was just 21. I had to work two jobs at that time to help pay the bills for my extented family.
I had to grow up quickly and always seemed to take on other people’s responsibilities.
A Family Man Who Struggled!
Fast forward a decade and I married a beautiful loving wife, Therese, and together we had twin boys and a lovely daughter and bought a house but were separated within three years. I had always worked physically hard, but emotionally I was empty and couldn’t express myself properly.
Shortly after losing my marriage, the world’s global financial crisis hit and I couldn’t get any work through my own business in the building profession. So, I stayed at home more and more and started hitting the alcohol and gambling on the pokies because I was lonely and disillusioned. At this lowest point in my life, I had lost just about everything, including the house. After being forced to take decisive action, things started turning around: I had finally decided to take responsibility for my life. I sold the house under the demands of the finance company taking it and followed my true calling as an intuitive, psychic, healer and counsellor.
Though early life was a hard path, I believe the journey I experienced allowed me to understand my clients better and speak from the heart with greater experience and compassion.
I will never regret growing up the way I did.