Frequently Asked Questions
How do I book in?
Book a reading online or call me on my personal line 0418 773 614 within Australia. You can also contact me by email to request a booking.
Generally, I have availability within a day or two, however, I encouraged you to book in advance where possible. All sessions are by appointment only.
Personal readings in Cairns are held privately in a peaceful air-conditioned room. I use a combination of approaches including channeling, clairvoyance, and psychic intuition, as well as the tarot and numerology to help find your answers.
I can help with messages from your higher self, guides, angels, and helpers from the other side for you to find a way back on your path to happiness, life direction, or love. I also regularly pick up messages from deceased loved ones and spirit guides who have passed over. What needs to come through for you, will.
I've never sat for a reading before What should I expect?
I will guide you and explain everything during the process. I love showing the process to my clients, if they are interested. I can explain the spread or layout of the tarot cards I use and note everything in a clear and concise way.
It is nothing to be frightened about, so come along and please give it a go and you will love the experience. It is amazing what can come out to help you through a difficult time.
Some people are frightened because they havent experience a psychic reading before, or they have heard bad stories or dogma from others.
Believe me it is nothing to be scared about, as my integarity and compassion are at the forefront of my psychic readings. It is an ideal if you can write down any questions so you don’t forget them during the session.
What happens during a psychic reading?
Private readings are held in a peaceful air-conditioned room. They are friendly, personal, and non-judgemental. I use a combination of many skills, including channeling, clairvoyance, psychic feelings, as well as other tools such as tarot and numerology to help find your answers.
I can help you understand the messages and want to help from your higher self, guides, angels, and thoses from the other side. This can help you find a pathway back to enjoy happiness, life direction or love.
I also regularly pick up messages from deceased loved ones and spirit guides who have passed over. What needs to come through for you, will, with love and blessings..
How long does a psychic reading go for?
Generally, it takes around 45 minutes. I chose not to do 30-minute readings, as this is not enough time to get all the messages and information out. In the longer 45 minute session more information comes out to help guide you. The session is enough time to convey all the important information to you with clarity and compassion.
I start with your date of birth and you received a small booklet (face-to-face readings only) that has your unique personal numerology and soul path in it. This is how I start tuning in to you path and this process in itself can explain many of the trials and tribulations you may be going through at present or in the past.
Next, the cards are shuffled and we are off into the tarot reading with intuitive messages from your higher self, guides, and loved ones from the other side. Questions can be asked at any time during the reading and this often allows us to go into the issues at a deeper level during that time.
Are your readings confidential?
Most certainly 100%, one of the most important aspects of my work is confidentiality and non judgement. You can tell me anything and I will not judge or lecture. My aim and desire is to help you through life’s ups and downs in the most loving and compassionate way.
Often just talking about issues can help and make us feel lighter. This can lead us to find the answer we need to follow. We all need at times to be able to express and talk about our worries and concerns.
Society, life, hurt, fear and work pressures tend to make people keep important things to themselves allowing matters not to be dealt with. Talking with me helps you acknowledge the issues and hopefully help you work though them, releasing the stress and moving forward.
Sometimes as psychics, we feel like doctors in the sense that my clients open up about the most intimate things in their life. I truly value the confidence they place in me.
How quickly can I book another reading?
It’s up to the individual and what you are going through at that particular time. Everyone is different but most people will know when they need one or they will get directed to me if they listen to their inner self.
Often clients just come to get help with advice or counselling for a difficult time they may go through. Remember to trust your inner voice and act on it.
At times of loss or relationship break ups, clients tend to come sooner for counselling or other personal reasons.
Most clients book a reading every 6 to 18 months. But in saying that, thoses that need counselling or advice will come more regularly, it entirely up to the individual.
Can I ask questions during the reading?
Most certainly, and I encourage you to. The best way is to write them down before you attend the reading and bring them along to ask during the reading. You would be amazed at the number of people who forget to ask important questions for themselves on the day of the reading.
Most times however we cover all your questions throughout the reading. Important issues can be dealt with, to help you in finding your direction and happiness again. Often the issues that is worrying you the most at the time of the reading is not what’s you need to hear. Spirit sees what is ahead. What needs to come through will. This is why I recommend recording the session.
Are you any good?
I have extensive experience and have been reading psychic tarot for many years in Australia and many overseas countries.
So many new clients come from word of mouth of their friends or partners. I love getting great feedback, often months or years after the intitial reading.
I have also taught tarot and many other skills to many students over the years and regularly run a variety of courses and workshops. I have mentored and organized and run spiritual development nights at our local spiritual centre as well as my own self-development courses for many years. I continue to learn and have a strong connection to spirit through my intuition. Please check out my reviews.
Can I record the session or take notes?
Yes, you can. I encourage you to record the session on your smartphone or voice recorder. Often what you are dealing with at present will only be on your mind and important messages for the future will not be heard or understood at that time. By recording it, you have the benefit of listening to it, time and time again, and receive further clarity in the future, when you are ready to hear it.
A lot of information comes out in a session. A pen and paper is also provided if you prefer to take notes. For zoom clients a voice recording can be made and sent to you the next day via a link in your email.
For phone readings you may want to have a recorder available or write notes.
Do you offer mediumship?
I am working on my mediumship abilities. I do not classify myself yet as a fully-fledged medium but I often will have relatives and people who have passed over coming in before and during the reading or healing. This is not scary or intimidating but the opposite when they always bring peace, love, and understanding.
They often give us messages of love and reassurances of life after physical death. Our guests typically come through at the start of the reading or even sometimes before you get there. If there is anyone you would like to connect with, I need to hear their first name and then often we can connect with them. But please remember I can not guarantee this though, but we can do our best for you. For even in spirit we have free will, learn and grow and have choices.
Do you offer psychic development courses?
Yes, I offer courses face-to-face and via Zoom. Many of my courses are now available online to enable you to study at a time that suits you. Call me on 0418 773 614 or send me a message to request further information.
If you’re seeking a 1 on1 private teaching experience, I am available to help train or steer you in the direction you seek.
We have a psychic group that meets in Cairns on the second Saturday of each month. For further information contact Eva on 0466 887 804 or email her at evasai99@hotmail.com
Eva also teaches Tarot, meditation and is a medical intuitive. She is highly recommended.
How did you become known as Spiritboy?
Funny story! I was going to dinner with an old girlfriend many years ago and we ran into a psychic clairvoyant friend of hers called Annie. Annie came from the old school, and her specialty was reading tea leaves and she was very psychic herself.
As we walked up to her she stated, “Here comes Spiritboy and Spiritgirl!” The name has stuck over the years and now everybody knows me by Spiritboy. It was a name gifted by spirit.
What is a Crystal, Reiki, Pranic or Energy Healing?
Reiki, crystal and spiritual healings are non-invasive approaches to moving energy around and through the body to enable healing at the emotional, spiritual and physical levels.
We have energy all around us unseen by most, and by tapping into this invisible field we can move stuck or heavy dark energy. Often we carry issues and wounds from childhood or experience trauma until we learn to release it and move on. Stuck energy has a very real chance of sooner or later causing physical, emotional or mental health issues if you ignore the signs and symptoms.
One of the main benefits of healing is to relax the mind and de-stress the body. Most people enjoy a deep sleep the night after the healing.
Often the healing keeps working for a further 2-3 days as the body detoxifies. Drinking clean water after the healing is highly recommended as it helps us with releasing bad energy and toxins.
I always recommend my clients seek professional help from their GP, or mental or health professional if needed. A combination of energy healing and psychic reading is available for those in Cairns, a great way to get the benefit of both worlds.
Do you have spiritual eBooks?
Over the last year or three I have been working on publishing eBooks on many different metaphysical topics. I have been directed by spirit to help reach clients from all over the world. The topics are numerious and provide a wealth of information for the begiiner to advanced students.
I will be adding more in the near future to help people from all walks of life to learn about the intuitive world of spirit and the tools that help us connect.
Topics cover many metaphysical subjects from meditation, learning to read the Tarot cards, advanced tarot, runes and how to use them, soul lessons, starting a spiritual business, numerology for beginners, how to use pendulums, psychic development for beginners, Learn tea and coffee readings and psychic protection methods and much more.
The eBooks are a greta way to learn from home at a time and place that suits you. For purchasing a eBook or more information click here.
Recommended People
I am very careful about who I recommend and I base the recommendation on my experience with those people I trust to do the right thing by my clients.
I recommend only those practioners that I have personally dealt with. Often I can be tied up with booking for several days and someone might need a urgent reading. Some ladies prefer a female reader and there are all kinds of reasons why they might feel more comfortable with a female. Below is a link to those I feel comfortable recommending.
Recommended psychic, healers and others.