How I Tune In
The Tarot Cards Are A Tool!
Want to know how I psychically tune into my clients? Over the years I have often wondered if my new or old clients understand the process and how I receive information for them. So I thought it was time I try to put into words the way I work with spirit and their guides for the information to come through me.
I remember years ago when I was first learning the Tarot, I had a reading from my mentor. He would look at the cards and bring out statements nothing like what the cards were saying. This really confused me until I realised the psychic is just a conduit or messenger from our spirit guides and my mentor was reading from his connection to his guides, not the cards.
Messages Can Arrive Early.
The tarot is only one of the tools I use to bring through the messages from my intuition or higher self and of course our spirit helpers on the other side.
Now that I have been working with my spiritual partners across the veil, and my intuition every day for many years, the messages come through at all hours and in all places. Often when I am doing menial chores or zoning out, messages start coming through because the logical or analytical mind is switched off. This is why meditation and taking time out, is so important for all of us to develop a connection to our inner self in order to recieve information from our higher self.
Often, even before a client arrives I will start to get messages for them. A lot of times deceased family members (and even animals) will come through and send their love to help put the person at ease and to help them understand that even though physical life ends on this side, life and learning on the other side still goes on.
What To Expect At A Reading.
When the client arrives I try to put them at ease to make them feel comfortable and relaxed. With new clients or first-timers, I will gently explain the process and let them know it’s great for them to ask questions during the reading for clarity or something they may be worried about. I strongly suggest they record the session on their smart phone so as not to miss any messages that come through.
Clients will often focus on their immediate worries and forget about the long term issues. By recording the reading they have a chance to revisit the reading in the future. These days most modern mobile phones have access to voice recording.
With in-person psychic readings, I have a brochure that my clients can take home which explains through numerology and star signs (Birthdate) their chosen life path and their tendencies throughout life. This alone can explain much of what they have been through or experiencing at the present time. Usually, this information comes with channeled messages from your guides or loved ones.
The Cards Can Offer Direction.
The Tarot Cards are used to give us a lot more information and details on what’s happening now and into your future. Free will always come into play in our lives and it is important to realise we are in control of our life even if it doesnt feel that way at present.
The layout or spread of the cards is important because each position talks about a different aspect of your life. From here I can pick up many things going on around you from issues with family, children, ex partners, work, health, and much more. After placing several layers of cards in the different positions I can also use a beautiful second pack of cards if needed called the modern Oracles if needed. These cards are very direct and often confirm what came before in your life and reinforce what we need to do to move forward or through obstacles. The readings usually last around 45 minutes, so all the information that needs to come out does. I value the information that comes out and I hope my clients do too.
In my psychic readings, I counsel on many levels about many topics from relationships, work, addictions, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and we look at ways you can then help yourself with any issues you are dealing with. I have had counseling experience with thousands of psychic readings as well as with Lifeline counselling in the past. The readings work on many levels from the physical, mental, emotion and spiritual needs of my clients. It is all about giving direction and helping you with any issues they are dealing with.
A Safe Space To Explore Thoughts And Feelings.
I do not judge or lecture during our time together but with the help of spirit suggest ways you can work through any issues you may be facing at present.
Please remember we all have free will to exercise and use how we want, the trick is using it the right way for our personal growth with the least amount of pain. There is no difference between In-person reading and long-distance reading as the information comes through the same.
Imagine listening to the radio where you can hear the music even though you are nowhere near the radio station. Psychic readings work the same way where I tune into a wavelength and listen to the message coming through to relay it to you.
Over the years many clients have given me great feedback about the validity of the information that comes through and even years later will confirm what came through in the reading, happened.
So if you feel like a reading book now and let’s see what comes through for you.
I hope this gives you an insight into how I work and look forward to meeting you one day soon.