Death and how it affects us
Me and Davo.
In late 2022, I was challenged emotionally and spiritually by the sickness and passing of my good mate of 30 years, Davo. At my age, it is not surprising that a few deaths have happened around me. My sister passed when I was 17, I lost my father 15 years ago and both my grandparents who I adored greatly passed many years ago, not to mention the Aunties and others that have moved on.
It is amazing the effect it can have on us when we lose someone important in our life. Davo was my neighbour for more than 20 years and we enjoyed more than a few beers and laughs together. We had some great trips together, including travelling the wilds of Cape York in the 90s, not to forget a few trips to the footy in Melbourne over the years.
To say we had fun would be an understatement.
Davo was a wild boy that age did not weary, not at least until he reached his 60s. The last couple of years after I moved away we only caught up with each other a couple of times a year, maybe on Melbourne Cup or our birthdays, but he was one of those special people; even if we hadn’t caught up for a while when we did it was like we were together only yesterday.
The range of emotions I felt and still feel about his passing makes me what I am, human. As a human and a mate, I am very sad for him and his passing and also for his widow Margo of 40+ years. Davo developed two brain tumors suddenly and doctors gave him 12 months to live but they took him in three. His sickness and passing brought up a lot of mixed emotions in me which I had buried years ago about my sister and Dad’s passing. Stuff that had been buried and put out of sight and mind years ago.
I do believe at times like this we keep processing all our thoughts, worries and wounds throughout our life. Often there can be things unsaid or the wonder of what they would be like now and a maze of other thoughts around those that have passed. It is always a time of reflection and we can often think about death and our own passing. The thing about loss is that everyone grieves in their own time and way. Some might flick it off and get back to life while others will focus on it for the rest of their life. Losses such as a parent or a child can have a greater impact on those left behind. “Time heals” is an important statement when it comes to death.
The one thing that brings me back to earth is the knowledge of our loved ones go to a better place. Even though we leave our physical body behind, our soul moves on to our eternal home in the heavens. In my work, I often pick up messages for my clients from their loved ones and it is amazing to see the amount of healing and happiness that happens in most clients when they connect with those on the other side. When they sense and know that our soul goes on and their loved ones are still around but exist in a different form and vibration it brings comfort and peace. My father was a skeptic about death and didn’t believe in life after death. I’m sure he got a big wake-up when he passed over and was with his mum again on the other side. Channeled messages from souls on the other side have said that we are the ones that are dead when we live in our fears and worries but those in spirit live on loving, learning and growing as souls. Again the old saying our life is short so we should make the best of it while we are down here seems to fit.
I know in my heart and soul that we live in our spirit form when we pass from this earthly plane and we meet up with all our old friends and acquaintances from the past. I have had too many messages from spirit over the years not to believe in eternal life. For those that don’t believe, that’s alright too, you will experience the other side sooner or later.