Signs You’re Opening Up Spiritually

1. Synchronicities Are Everywhere

You think of an old friend, and they suddenly call. You’re pondering a big question, and the answer appears on a billboard, in a song lyric, or through a random stranger’s advice. These little "coincidences" are the universe’s way of winking at you to open up.

Pay attention! Synchronicities often guide us to where we need to go or affirm that we’re on the right path.

2. Heightened Sensitivity

Feeling more emotional or sensitive to energy? Suddenly, crowded places feel overwhelming, or you notice vibes from people before they even say a word. This is your energetic awareness kicking in.

Pro tip: Carry a grounding crystal like black tourmaline to help stay balanced in overwhelming situations.

3. Dreams Feel More Intense or Meaningful

If your dreams are like blockbuster movies lately, packed with symbolism, messages, or even visits from loved ones who’ve crossed over, you’re definitely tuning in. Dreams are often the first doorway to spiritual awareness.

Keep a dream journal beside your bed. Jot down everything, even if it’s just snippets. Over time, you might see patterns or receive guidance.

4. You’re Drawn to Spiritual Topics

Suddenly, you can’t stop bingeing videos on chakras, tarot cards, or past lives. Your search history has gone from Netflix recommendations to “What is my spirit animal?”

Follow that curiosity! It’s your soul nudging you toward what it needs to grow.

5. Gut Feelings Are Uncannily Accurate

Ever just know something before it happens? Like feeling the need to avoid a certain route only to hear about a traffic jam later? That’s your intuition flexing its muscles.

The more you listen to it, the stronger it becomes.

6. Physical Sensations

Feeling tingling in your hands, warmth around your head, or a flutter in your heart when you meditate or think about spiritual things? That’s your energy body awakening.

These sensations are like little nudges from the universe saying, “Hey, you’re tuned in!”

How to Develop Your Intuition

Opening up spiritually is like planting a garden. You need to nurture it, water it, and give it time to grow. Here’s how to start developing your intuition:

1. Meditate Daily

Meditation is like hitting the "quiet" button on life’s noise so you can hear your inner voice. You don’t need to sit cross-legged for hours; even five minutes a day can work wonders.

Start with simple breathing exercises:

  • Inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four.

  • Focus on your breath and let your mind drift.

Pro tip: Guided meditations are fantastic for beginners. Try one focused on connecting with your intuition or meeting your spirit guides. Plenty of platforms such as Spotify or Utube have plenty of guided meditations.

2. Trust Your First Instinct

When you get a gut feeling or an inner nudge, act on it. Intuition speaks softly, like a whisper, and the more you trust it, the louder it gets.

Start small. For example, if you feel like taking a different path on your walk, do it. You might discover something amazing—or simply confirm your hunch was right.

3. Connect with Nature

Nature is a powerhouse for grounding and connecting spiritually. Walk barefoot on the grass, hug a gentle tree (yes, really!), or simply sit quietly outdoors and soak in the energy.

Feel the wind, watch the clouds drift by, or listen to the birds. Nature speaks the language of our intuition.

4. Practice Energy Awareness

Try this: Rub your hands together briskly, then slowly pull them apart. Feel that tingling or warmth? That’s your energy in your hand chakras!

You can also practice sensing the energy of objects or people:

  • Hold a crystal or item belonging to someone and see what impressions come to mind.

  • When meeting someone, tune into how their energy feels—warm, heavy, or neutral?

5. Journal Your Intuitive Hits

Keep track of moments when you followed your gut and it worked out. Writing them down helps build trust in your intuition.

Include anything that feels “off” or significant. Over time, you’ll see patterns and notice your intuitive voice growing stronger.

6. Explore Divination Tools

Tarot cards, pendulums, and oracle decks aren’t just for psychics—they’re tools anyone can use to sharpen their intuition.

Start with a simple one-card pull:

  • Shuffle your deck while asking a question.

  • Draw a card and see what message resonates.

It’s not about predicting the future; it’s about tuning into your inner guidance.

7. Surround Yourself with Supportive Energy

As you open up, it’s important to be around people and spaces that lift you up. Join a spiritual group, attend workshops, or even chat with like-minded folks online.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Spiritual connections with others can be incredibly inspiring and validating.

8. Ask for Signs from the Universe

Need guidance? Ask the universe for a sign. Be specific: “If I’m on the right path, show me a butterfly.”

Then watch. The universe loves to communicate, but you need to be open to receiving.

Common Questions About Spiritual Intuition

Q: Can anyone develop intuition?
Absolutely! Intuition is like a muscle—we all have it, but it gets stronger the more you use it.

Q: How do I know if it’s intuition or just my imagination?
Intuition feels calm and clear, like a soft nudge. Imagination is often loud and emotional. With practice, you’ll learn to tell the difference.

Q: What if I feel blocked?
Blocks happen. Try clearing your energy by smudging with sage, taking a salt bath, or meditating on releasing what no longer serves you.

Ready to Go Deeper? Let Spiritboy Guide You!

If you’re feeling stuck, curious, or ready to dive headfirst into your spiritual journey, I’m here to help. As a psychic medium and energy healer, I offer personalized readings to:

  • Answer your burning questions.

  • Help you connect with loved ones in spirit.

  • Guide you in developing your intuition further.

Let’s unlock your potential together.

Visit to book a reading or learn more about how I can help you. Your journey starts here, and trust me, it’s going to be amazing!

Now, go out there, trust your gut, and embrace the magic of your spiritual awakening.

Steve Spiritboy

Steve Parker

Based in Cairns in Australia’s tropical north, Steve “Spiriboy’ Parker is a compassionate spiritual mentor and author, offering private Psychic Readings, Reiki Energy Healings and Spiritual Counselling & Development.

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